3. Visit Germany


I had a normal life in my country.
I was studying finance in the University for 3 and a half years,  so you can imagine how cuantitative person I am or used to be. One day I decided to explore the world.

I was that kind of person that prefers everything without taking risks. I always thought that when I would have 25 I would have my university degree, a really good job, really good income, maybe I would be in love planning my marriage. But shit happens and here I am with 23 years old and none of my "maybe goals to be at 25"

I must admit that my life is better as I had planned.
When I was 21 I decided to change my life, I was bored of my studies, and the way my life was going. I was young enough to quit everything and start over again. Now I think that is never too late to quit everything you don't like and start a new beginning.  I went to Germany for one year to work and study the language (which I didn't know at all at the beginning except for some pronouns)

Honestly I was so afraid at first. I was traveling to a new continent -for me as I lived in South America- I didn't know anyone in Germany not even in Europe, I didn't speak German and beside all I am a warm, happy and always smiling person. (the opposite side as I used to picture german people)

1. One of the things I learned is that I had some prejudices in my mind: for example I used to think that  German people are always cold and angry. Well they are but not always they just need some time to open their hearts and even in the beginning they are sooo polite and for me they were really helpful people. I mean even when I didn't speak German I tried to explain in English what I wanted to say or need and they help me every time with a good face.
Prejudice number 1 broken: german people aren't always cold and angry. (I felt in love with one!)

2. The snow: I had never seen snow, except for the ice in some volcanos in Ecuador. But I hadn't seen it like a rain, a snow - rain.  It is so beautiful! One day I was dining with some friends -all of them were german-. The Window was behind me and it was snowing, you can't imagine the happiness I felt when I saw through the window. All the people in my table said I was "verrückt" or crazy in English. I can assume that they didn't enjoy the snow that night as I did.

3. The economy : one of the best economy in the world. Everything seems to be well managed.

4. possibilities to travel: traveling in Europe is way too easy and safe -several times I traveled alone- I mean compared with south America.!

In resume, I enjoyed my time in Germany!


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